Sunday 30 September 2012

Statement of Mr. Joey de Venecia on Withdrawal from Senate Race

From Joey De Venecia III: Statement on Senatorial Candidacy

During this past month, I have been seriously reflecting on my senatorial candidacy guided by my desire to serve the people and encouraged by my achievements in public governance as Executive Vice President of PDP-Laban and senior advisor to the Vice President of the Philippines. At the same time I have been continuously involved in private business generating investments and creating jobs particularly in the BPO, call centers and technology sectors.

I am humbled in being included in the senatorial line-up of the prestigious United Nationalist Alliance. I am particularly grateful to Vice President Jejomar Binay, Senate President Manong Johnny Ponce Enrile, and former President Joseph Estrada for their support.

I would also like to thank the Filipino people who recognize my contribution in our fight against corruption and acknowledge my capability to bring employment to our workforce. A recent Laylo Research Strategies survey placed me tied for the 13th position without my having to engage in any form of campaigning or broad public exposure. I thank the Filipino people for indicating in the survey that they want me to serve in the Senate.

I have made a choice.

My efforts in business have resulted to substantial and wide-reaching investment agreements in BPO, call center, technology and other sectors. These investments guarantee numerous jobs for the Filipinos. However, since I am a pioneer in the call center and broadband technology business, my direct involvement in these industries is necessary; which means that if I run for the Senate, I will have to delay these private sector initiatives until I finish my term in office.

Through these businesses, I have the opportunity to provide investments and jobs for our country immediately today. Through these businesses, I have the opportunity to help government realize Filipino aspirations especially among the poor immediately today.

I have therefore decided not to run for the Senate in 2013. Instead, I will pursue these immediate business endeavors bringing investments and jobs to our country. In so doing, I shall have achieved through business what I will only begin achieving through the Senate.

My time in the Philippine Senate will come. It is clear to me that public service is part of my life’s mission. I will continue to work for the prosperity of as many Filipinos as possible  and at the appropriate time in the future prepare myself for the Senate.

I thank everyone for your support.

Joey De Venecia III


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