Monday 24 September 2012



Senator Loren Legarda, former Senate President Ernesto Maceda and Movie Television Review and Classification Board Chairman Grace Poe-Llamanzares were confirmed today as candidates in the line up of the United Alliance for the 2013 elections. The United Alliance or UNA is the coalition between the parties PDP-Laban of Vice President Jejomar Binay and Pwersa ng Masang Pilipino (PMP) of Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and former President Joseph Estrada.

At a press conference today at the Coconut Palace, Estrada officially announced that Legarda and Poe are in the UNA line up. Legarda was former running mate of Estrada's best friend and 2004 presidential contender the late Fernando Poe Jr. (FPJ) while Poe is the daughter of FPJ.

Maceda, meanwhile, who was present at the press conference and likewise declared as part of the line up, was the campaign manager of the Estrada-Binay campaign in 2010. 

The complete line up of UNA was not announced, as talks are still ongoing after the UNA Executive Meeting held at noon today, due to the recent confirmation by Cebu Governor Gwen Garcia that she will no longer run for the senate. 

UNA candidates will file their certificates of candidacy together on October 1. 

The line up now includes: Senator Loren Legarda, Senator Gringo Honasan, San Juan Congressman JV Ejercito, Cagayan Cong. Jack Enrile, Zambales Cong. Mitos Magsaysay, former Senate President Ernesto Maceda, former Senator Richard Gordon, former Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri, MTRCB Chairman Grace Poe Llamanzares, businessman Joey de Venecia.

UNA is only waiting for a formal announcement from Senator Chiz Escudero before formally including him in the line up but UNA elder former Senate President Ernesto Maceda said he is already considered part of the UNA family. Escudero was also spokesman of FPJ in the 2004 elections and a godson of Estrada. 

The last slot is still under discussion, pending the formal acceptance by former Tarlac Governor Tingting Cojuangco, who is the wife of PDP Laban Secretary General Jose 'Peping' Cojuangco. Other names being considered are Binay's daughter Nancy Binay and Valenzuela Mayor Sherwin Gatchalian. The decision will be announced later this week. 


Senator Maceda said he will get the votes of senior citizens. "I am honored to be a candidate of this team that is led by the wisdom of senior citizens. Enrile is 88, Estrada is 75 and Binay is 69 but as you can see, UNA is stronger than ever," Maceda observed. 

"The plight of senior citizens is very important to us in UNA," Maceda said. "We are taking the cue, of course, from Vice President Jojo Binay, who has led the campaign to uplift the lives of senior citizens even back when he was mayor of Makati City."

"It is not enough that we give our senior citizens more avenues for recreational activities but we need to also give them opportunities to contribute to nation-building, which at this age we are eager to do. When you have reached senior citizen status, what you want to do is give back to your community, to your country," Maceda said. 

Maceda also emphasized that the social pension program should be increased to P 3 Billion to cover indigent senior citizens. He added that the allowance of P500 as part of social pension for senior citizens should be increased to P 1400, the amount given for CCT beneficiaries.


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