Monday 5 November 2012


Former Senate President Ernesto Maceda today called on members of Congress to go beyond their personal interests and pass the anti-dynasty law as prescribed by the Constitution. 

"The constitution is clear in saying that political dynasties are prohibited and it is brazenly a violation of the Constitution not to pass an anti-dynasty law," Maceda said. 

Maceda said the proposal of Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago could be a start, with the minimum requirement being the prohibition of relatives within the second degree of consanguinity from running in the same province, city or municipality. 

He clarified, however, that it should not be extended to all relatives like nephews and nieces, cousins, uncles and aunts. He also said there must be exceptions, for example, if the politician's father served many, many years ago.

Maceda said that this is to give other candidates who are not as powerful as the incumbent an opportunity to serve the people as well. "It is also a valid point that just like the rationale of the party list law, all citizens should be given an equal chance to win in public office," he said. 


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