Thursday 4 October 2012

PDP Laban Fields Nancy Binay to Complete UNA Senatorial Slate

United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) Secretary General Toby Tiangco today confirmed that PDP Laban's Nancy Binay, daughter of Vice President Jejomar Binay, will run for senate, replacing businessman Joey de Venecia who backed out last minute from the UNA slate. 

In the latest Pulse Asia survey, Ma. Lourdes Nancy Binay scored an impressive 12th to 15th place with 27.4 percent of the votes. The survey was conducted among 1,200 individuals from Aug. 31 to Sept.7.

Binay fulfilled the qualifications that UNA elders were seeking for the UNA slate, described by PDP Laban Secretary General Peping Cojuangco as "someone who would be committed to and uphold the values of the party". 


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