Tuesday 25 December 2012


Liberal Party spokesman Rep. Evardone used to be one of Mrs. Arroyo's most loyal defenders and used to insist that Mrs. Arroyo was on the right side of the law each time her regime abused its power.

He now speaks of "letting the legal process prevail” and “respect for the rule of law” in the suspension of Governor Gwen Garcia, UNA’s provincial chair for Cebu and congressional candidate. These words sound very familiar. These are the same words used by Rep. Evardone and other former Arroyo defenders to justify the harassment of the opposition led by Vice President Binay in 2006 and 2007.

Like other Arroyo defenders who shifted loyalties en masse to the ruling party, the LP spokesman is recycling the same excuses meant to justify political harassment. Harassment is harassment. You cannot invoke “respect for the rule of law” and “daang matuwid” to justify a patently illegal act and the abuse of power. Those who are now invoking the rule of law and the righteous path should first examine their tainted political and moral backgrounds to avoid embarrassing themselves and their new masters.

Nothing can justify abuse of power, especially not the recycled statements from defenders of the discredited former regime. No matter what the LP and its apologists say, the people of Cebu know that Martial law has been imposed in their province.

For UNA, respect for the rule of law also means extending courtesy to a co-equal branch of government. Since a case has already been filed before the Court of Appeals, the administration party should allow the courts to decide.

The LP claims that party members are treated in the same manner as Governor Garcia. We want to remind the LP that in the case of Caloocan Mayor Recom Echeverri, an LP member, his suspension was not effectively served and his followers were allowed to camp out in front of City Hall with the least intervention from the police. We did not hear the LP or the administration asking him to follow the suspension order while waiting for the Court of Appeals to decide.

In the case of Governor Garcia, there are glaring violations of the law and clear abuse of power. The LP-affiliated Vice Governor closed down two media outlets on flimsy grounds. The police erected barricades and deployed armalite-wielding policemen to the capitol. Supporters of the Governor and even employees were prevented from entering the grounds.

The leaders of UNA visited Governor Garcia to show their support for a beleaguered member and to make sure that the authorities respect the law. This is hardly a controversial move. It cannot be compared to DILG Secretary Mar Roxas attempting to influence the Sandiganbayan when he accompanied his party mate Grace Padaca when she posted bail for a graft case.

The LP gubernatorial candidate for Cebu has also said that the people of Cebu will render the ultimate judgment in the 2013 elections. This is precisely our point and this is what makes the suspension order nothing more than a power grab by the LP, a desperate and blatant attempt to overturn the decision of the people of Cebu in the 2010 elections. #

Tuesday 11 December 2012


Candidates of the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) dominated the latest survey conducted by Pulse Asia.

The survey conducted from November 23 - 29 involving 1,200 respondents showed UNA could win seven out of the 12 senatorial slots in 2013.

Sen. Francis Escudero led all senatorial bets with a score of 74.1 percent, while Sen. Loren Legarda got 68.3 percent. Both Legarda and Escudero are guest candidates of UNA.

The survey results showed at least five other UNA senatorial bets landing in the Magic 12. San Juan Representative Jose Victor Ejercito is currently in 4th place with 57 percent and Rep. Juan Ponce “Jack” Enrile Jr. is in 5th with 53.2 percent.

Incumbent Sen. Gregorio Honasan is in 8th with 44.9 percent while Vice President Jejomar Binay’s daughter Nancy Binay jumped to 9th place with 41.3 percent.

Former Sen. Juan Miguel Zubiri rounds out list in 12th with 40.5 percent.

Other UNA candidates in the top 20 are former Senator Richard Gordon in 14th, Grace Poe – Llamanzares in 17th, former Senator Ernesto Maceda in 19th and Margarita “Tingting” Cojuangco in 20th place.