Thursday 30 August 2012


Vice Prsesident Jejomar Binay, Chairman of PDP Laban, took over Senator Koko Pimentel's duties as president of PDP Laban while blocking moves to oust Pimentel.


PDP-Laban insists Koko on leave as president

Posted at 08/30/2012 7:17 PM | Updated as of 08/31/2012 8:14 AM

Binay stopped moves to oust Pimentel, says Peping

MANILA, Philippines - Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban) confirmed on Thursday that Senator Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III is on leave as president of the political party following his decision to join the administration’s senatorial slate in the 2013 polls.
In a statement, PDP-Laban Secretary General Peping Cojuangco said Vice President Jejomar Binay will take-over Pimentel’s duties. He noted, however, that Pimentel will remain as the “nominal president.”
"We are thankful that (Binay) has accepted to this arrangement since Koko cannot attend to the party's commitment to UNA in the agreement with PMP which he himself signed," Cojuangco said.
He disclosed that certain officers had requested to oust Pimentel during a party meeting at the Coconut Palace last week, but Binay stopped the move.
"In fairness to the Vice President, he did not accept this suggestion and said the decision must come first from Koko," Cojuangco said.
The same officers, whom he refused to name, then requested that Binay should take over if Pimentel refuses to go on leave.
Pimentel says he's not on leave
Pimentel, however, still insists he is an active official of PDP-Laban.
In a statement posted on the Senate website also on Thursday, Pimentel denied an earlier statement made by United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) spokesman JV Bautista.
“I have not filed any leave of absence, whether verbal or written, and have no plan whatsoever to do so. No one has asked me to go on leave, except Atty. JV Bautista, who is a newcomer to the party. Even our Party Chairman Vice President Binay has not directly asked me to go on leave. I also do not feel any clamor from my party mates that I go on leave,” he said.
He even urged his party-mates to unite and find a solution “without dividing the party.”
Joey Salgado, spokesperson for the Vice President’s camp, confirmed that Binay has indeed taken over the duties of Pimentel.
He said an intermediary of Pimentel attended that luncheon meeting at the Coconut Palace, he told The intermediary went on to say that Pimentel has decided to go on leave.
In June, Pimentel decided to run for re-election without the help of the UNA after the latter included his rival former Sen. Juan Miguel Zubiri in its line-up.
UNA is a coalition between PDP-Laban and former President Joseph Estrada’s Pwersa ng Masang Pilipino. Zubiri is one of the candidates of PMP in the UNA coalition.
Cojuangco said that even without Pimentel’s active participation, PDP-Laban and UNA will be the party to beat in the 2013 elections.
"Under the leadership of our chairman Vice President Binay, we are stronger than ever and remain united and strong," Cojuangco said.
"While the Vice President remains busy with his governmental duties, he laid out clear instructions for party members to continue all efforts to make our party stronger across the nation," Cojuangco added. 

Binay to take over PDP-Laban presidency despite Pimentel protestation


Vice President and HUDCC chairman Jejomar Binay. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO
MANILA, Philippines—Vice President Jejomar Binay will assume the duties of Senator Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III as president of PDP-Laban even if the latter refuses to take a leave of absence, a party official said.

The move came despite Pimentel’s insistence that he had not filed a leave of absence from the party.

PDP-Laban has coalesced  with the  newly formed  group United Alliance (UNA) but  Pimentel, who  resented the inclusion of former Senator  Juan Miguel Zubiri in the UNA senatorial ticket, decided to join the  Liberal Party’s senatorial ticket as guest candidate in 2013.

In a statement on Thursday, PDP-Laban’s secretary-general, Peping Cojuangco, said that Binay had accepted the party’s request that he take over Pimentel’ duties.

“We will leave the position as it is but (Vice President) Binay will assume the duties of Koko,” Cojuangco said.

“We are thankful that (Binay) has accepted this arrangement since Koko cannot attend to the party’s commitment to UNA in the agreement with PMP, which he himself signed.”

Cojuangco also disclosed that there were moves to oust Pimentel from the party but that the Vice President did not agree to it.

“In fairness to the Vice President, he did not accept this suggestion and said the decision must come first from Koko,” he said.

The officers then requested Binay to take over Pimentel’s duties as party president should the latter refuse to go.

“Under the leadership of our chairman Vice President Binay, we are stronger than ever and remain united and strong,” Cojuangco said.

“While the Vice President remains busy with his governmental duties, he laid out clear instructions for party members to continue all efforts to make our party stronger across the nation,” he added.

Pimentel denial

In a separate statement, however, Pimentel insisted that he had not taken a leave from the party.

“I wish to deny the statement made by the spokesperson of the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA), Atty. JV Bautista, that I have filed a leave of absence as president of PDP Laban. Such statement has no factual and legal basis,” he said.

“I have not filed any leave of absence, whether verbal or written, and have no plan whatsoever to do so. No one has asked me to go on leave, except Atty. JV Bautista, who is a newcomer to the party.”

Even Binay, Pimentel said, had not directly asked him to go on leave.

“I also do not feel any clamor from my party mates that I go on leave,” he said. “I want to believe that Atty. JV Bautista was just making a personal suggestion when he issued that statement.”

Furthermore, the senator said, the constitution and by-laws of the party “do not give any person or group of persons the power to force an officer of the Party to go on leave.”

Pimentel then urged his party to unite and find a solution to their problems “without dividing the party.”

“Instead of wasting our time issuing baseless statements and responding to false information, we can discuss this and find common ground,” he said.

“I have been a member of the PDP Laban since 1982 and have invested my time, energy, resources, talent, sweat, tears and blood in the Party; hence, I cannot just turn my back on my responsibilities as party president…,” the senator added.

UNA: Koko out of PDP-Laban post

Written by 
Thursday, 30 August 2012 00:00
United Nationalist Alliance spokesman JV Bautista, in a televion show, announced that Sen. Koko Pimentel is now on leave as president of the Partido Laban Democratiko (PDP) as Bautista also announced the official line-up of the UNA senatorial bets, with two new additional candidates, naming former Sen. Richard Gordon and former Ambassador to the US Ernesto Maceda.
He also said that Sen. Loren Legarda will be in the UNA slate, but that the alliance will come up with a bigger announcement in time.
With Pimentel having joined the Aquino administration Liberal Party coalition slate as a guest candidate, Pimentel is now out of the PDP-Laban coalition and that Vice President Jejomar Binay, chairman of the PDP-Laban, is now taking charge of the party.
Pimentel, however, quickly announced that he had not taken a leave of absence from the PDP-Laban and remains as the party presiudent.
But Bautista said that party leaders had asked Pimentel to take a leave of absence since a conflict of interest has arisen from the senator’s decision to join the LP coalition.
“It was the party that had  asked Senator Pimentel to take a leave as president of the party… For the moment he is not the president of PDP-Laban,” Bautista said.
Pimentel was reported to have sent a text, saying: “I have not gone on leave from PDP-Laban as there is no reason for me to do so. There is no clamor for it as I enjoy the support of the party members especially the non-politician low-key members.”
Bautista was quoted as saying, countering the Pimentel claim: “You cannot tolerate a situation where one of the leaders of UNA and then a president of PDP-Laban for that matter would run in another political party that is the the foe of the UNA senatorial slate. It is potentially disruptive of the functioning of the party. It disturbs a lot of our local members,” he said.
Bautista stressed that given the nuances of Philippine politics, and with Pimentel running for an opposite party, taking a leave would be the best move.
It will be recalled that Pimentel decided to join the LP coalition candidate because he claimed that he could not stomach the thought of being on the same stage and slate with former Sen. Juan Miguel Zubiri whom he claimed cheated him.
But even as he moved over to the LP coalition, Pimentel apparently fails to see the anomlous situation he is now in, due to his decision to cut off from the UNA coaltion.
As far as UNA is concerned, he cannot still be president of PDP-Laban and attend to all the political activities surrounding the party, while being a candidate of the administration party.
Pimentel found his being in the same slate with Zubiri “anomalous” but does not seem to realize that he cannot have the presidency of PDP-Laban currently with his being a candidate in the administration slate.
Pimentel claims that his PDP followers have not called on him to go on leave, but Bautista said that it is the leaders of the PDP-Laban that made the decision for him to take a leave of absence.
It is evident that Pimentel would want PDP-Laban  to campaign and vote for him, but at the same time, there would be problems on the grassroorts level of the PDP-Laban as its chairman is also a leader in UNA, with whom the PDP-Laban  has  forged a coalition.
With the official entry of two more UNA bets, this places the number of bets at 9, including Senator Legarda.
The others are Sen. Gringo Honasan, Rep. Jack Enrile, Rep. JV Ejercito, Cebu Gov. Gwen Garcia,  Zubiri and businessman Joey de Venecia, Gordon and Maceda.
Bautista, in the same TV program said that “Loren Legarda has already signified, very clearly, her intention (to join UNA) because she told us that she has already obtained permission from Danding Cojuangco of the (Nationalist People’s Coalition) that she’s going to run in the UNA slate,” he said.


Coup against Pimentel in Binay's party?

Ayee Macaraig
Posted on 08/30/2012 8:48 PM  | Updated 08/30/2012 10:09 PM
MANILA, Philippines – Who is really in charge?
The question arises with contradicting statements coming from leaders of Vice President Jejomar Binay’s political party, the Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban).
This week, party leaders and members issued opposing statements on the status of Sen Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III as PDP-Laban president. Pimentel has announced that he is running with the rival administration slate for 2013 as guest candidate but wants to stay as head of PDP-Laban.
The PDP-Laban belongs to the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA), which is fielding a separate senatorial slate against the administration coalition in the 2013 elections.
Asked to clarify the issue, Binay spokesperson Joey Salgado said that the Vice President is now in charge of PDP-Laban.
Binay is chairman and one of the founders of the party, along with Pimentel’s father, former Senator Aquilino “Nene” Pimentel Jr.
“VP is aware of a previous commitment made by Senator Koko to go on leave. My understanding is that VP will take over his duties,” Salgado said in a text message to Rappler.
In an earlier statement to ABS-CBN News, PDP-Laban Secretary General Jose “Peping” Cojuangco Jr also said that Binay is taking over PDP-Laban but Pimentel will stay on as “nominal president.”
“We are thankful that [VP Binay] has accepted this arrangement since Koko cannot attend to the party’s commitment to UNA in the agreement with PMP which he himself signed,” Cojuangco said.
Cojuangco was referring to UNA, the coalition between PDP-Laban and former President Joseph Estrada’s Pwersa ng Masang Pilipino (PMP) for the 2013 polls. UNA calls itself the “constructive opposition” to the ruling Liberal Party.
Reacting to the announcement, Pimentel said he found it a solomonic decision for Binay to take over because the party already shifted into campaign mode. He reiterated that he is in charge simply of party matters, not campaign or coalition issues.
The conflict is rooted in Pimentel’s decision to bolt UNA in July over the inclusion of resigned Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri in its senatorial slate. PMP and later on UNA decided to accept Zubiri even if Pimentel accuses him of cheating in the 2007 polls.
The statements coming from Binay and Cojuangco as well as an earlier statement from UNA Spokesperson JV Bautista directly contradict the pronouncement of Pimentel that he has not and does not plan to take a leave of absence.
Bautista announced on Tuesday, August 28, that Pimentel already went on leave.
“I do not know where that came from because in the first place, nobody talked to me. I did not file for any leave. I did not mention any intention of going on leave,” Pimentel told Rappler on Wednesday, August 29.
Pimentel overpowered?
In the same interview, Pimentel had questioned Bautista’s standing to make a major announcement for the party. The senator said he has been a party member since 1982 and invested time, energy, resources and talent for the party.
“Was that his (Bautista) personal idea? Did that come from him or did somebody tell him to say those things? If somebody told him, it means there is a plan because it’s more than one person, there must be an agenda,” said Pimentel.
The statements of the Binay camp and Cojuangco, however, show that there is already an agreement in the leadership to exclude Pimentel from party affairs. Rumors of a coup against Pimentel circulated already last week.
It seems the senator is out of the loop. Pimentel said Bautista’s announcement that he supposedly had gone on leave caught him by surprise. He only found out from party members who asked him about it via text message.
In a separate interview with Rappler on Wednesday, Bautista said that it was PDP-Laban member and Manila City Councilor Bernie Ang who told Binay that Pimentel committed to going on leave.
Bautista said Ang relayed this during a meeting of party leaders at Binay’s office at the Coconut Palace on August 23. Pimentel was not present.
The UNA spokesperson said Ang supposedly got the commitment from Pimentel in a party meeting on August 20.
“So the Vice President said, ‘If he offered [to go on leave], we will accept it.’ He approved it. VP Binay said he will take charge of the affairs of PDP-Laban, including the duties of the president,” Bautista said.
‘Party in chaos’
Pimentel admitted that his decision to bolt UNA has caused confusion in his party.
Aaminin ko nagkakagulo nga kami sa party ngayon dahil sa sitwasyon na (I admit we’re having problems in the party because of the situation that) the party is officially in a coalition agreement and yet I cannot join the agreement because our coalition partner brought somebody into the coalition that in conscience I cannot run with.”
Pimentel said his solution was for him to inhibit himself from campaign matters but take charge of other affairs like membership and the formation of chapters.
Bautista, however, said that Pimentel’s solution is impractical and unacceptable to other party leaders.
“How can he remain as PDP-Laban president and run under a different political [alliance]? That’s totally untenable and disruptive, causing confusion,” said Bautista. –



PDP-Laban insists Koko on leave as president

Posted at 08/30/2012 7:17 PM | Updated as of 08/31/2012 8:14 AM

Binay stopped moves to oust Pimentel, says Peping

MANILA, Philippines - Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban) confirmed on Thursday that Senator Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III is on leave as president of the political party following his decision to join the administration’s senatorial slate in the 2013 polls.
In a statement, PDP-Laban Secretary General Peping Cojuangco said Vice President Jejomar Binay will take-over Pimentel’s duties. He noted, however, that Pimentel will remain as the “nominal president.”
"We are thankful that (Binay) has accepted to this arrangement since Koko cannot attend to the party's commitment to UNA in the agreement with PMP which he himself signed," Cojuangco said.
He disclosed that certain officers had requested to oust Pimentel during a party meeting at the Coconut Palace last week, but Binay stopped the move.
"In fairness to the Vice President, he did not accept this suggestion and said the decision must come first from Koko," Cojuangco said.
The same officers, whom he refused to name, then requested that Binay should take over if Pimentel refuses to go on leave.
Pimentel says he's not on leave
Pimentel, however, still insists he is an active official of PDP-Laban.
In a statement posted on the Senate website also on Thursday, Pimentel denied an earlier statement made by United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) spokesman JV Bautista.
“I have not filed any leave of absence, whether verbal or written, and have no plan whatsoever to do so. No one has asked me to go on leave, except Atty. JV Bautista, who is a newcomer to the party. Even our Party Chairman Vice President Binay has not directly asked me to go on leave. I also do not feel any clamor from my party mates that I go on leave,” he said.
He even urged his party-mates to unite and find a solution “without dividing the party.”
Joey Salgado, spokesperson for the Vice President’s camp, confirmed that Binay has indeed taken over the duties of Pimentel.
He said an intermediary of Pimentel attended that luncheon meeting at the Coconut Palace, he told The intermediary went on to say that Pimentel has decided to go on leave.
In June, Pimentel decided to run for re-election without the help of the UNA after the latter included his rival former Sen. Juan Miguel Zubiri in its line-up.
UNA is a coalition between PDP-Laban and former President Joseph Estrada’s Pwersa ng Masang Pilipino. Zubiri is one of the candidates of PMP in the UNA coalition.
Cojuangco said that even without Pimentel’s active participation, PDP-Laban and UNA will be the party to beat in the 2013 elections.
"Under the leadership of our chairman Vice President Binay, we are stronger than ever and remain united and strong," Cojuangco said.
"While the Vice President remains busy with his governmental duties, he laid out clear instructions for party members to continue all efforts to make our party stronger across the nation," Cojuangco added. 

Binay to take over PDP-Laban presidency despite Pimentel protestation


Vice President and HUDCC chairman Jejomar Binay. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO
MANILA, Philippines—Vice President Jejomar Binay will assume the duties of Senator Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III as president of PDP-Laban even if the latter refuses to take a leave of absence, a party official said.

The move came despite Pimentel’s insistence that he had not filed a leave of absence from the party.

PDP-Laban has coalesced  with the  newly formed  group United Alliance (UNA) but  Pimentel, who  resented the inclusion of former Senator  Juan Miguel Zubiri in the UNA senatorial ticket, decided to join the  Liberal Party’s senatorial ticket as guest candidate in 2013.

In a statement on Thursday, PDP-Laban’s secretary-general, Peping Cojuangco, said that Binay had accepted the party’s request that he take over Pimentel’ duties.

“We will leave the position as it is but (Vice President) Binay will assume the duties of Koko,” Cojuangco said.

“We are thankful that (Binay) has accepted this arrangement since Koko cannot attend to the party’s commitment to UNA in the agreement with PMP, which he himself signed.”

Cojuangco also disclosed that there were moves to oust Pimentel from the party but that the Vice President did not agree to it.

“In fairness to the Vice President, he did not accept this suggestion and said the decision must come first from Koko,” he said.

The officers then requested Binay to take over Pimentel’s duties as party president should the latter refuse to go.

“Under the leadership of our chairman Vice President Binay, we are stronger than ever and remain united and strong,” Cojuangco said.

“While the Vice President remains busy with his governmental duties, he laid out clear instructions for party members to continue all efforts to make our party stronger across the nation,” he added.

Pimentel denial

In a separate statement, however, Pimentel insisted that he had not taken a leave from the party.

“I wish to deny the statement made by the spokesperson of the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA), Atty. JV Bautista, that I have filed a leave of absence as president of PDP Laban. Such statement has no factual and legal basis,” he said.

“I have not filed any leave of absence, whether verbal or written, and have no plan whatsoever to do so. No one has asked me to go on leave, except Atty. JV Bautista, who is a newcomer to the party.”

Even Binay, Pimentel said, had not directly asked him to go on leave.

“I also do not feel any clamor from my party mates that I go on leave,” he said. “I want to believe that Atty. JV Bautista was just making a personal suggestion when he issued that statement.”

Furthermore, the senator said, the constitution and by-laws of the party “do not give any person or group of persons the power to force an officer of the Party to go on leave.”

Pimentel then urged his party to unite and find a solution to their problems “without dividing the party.”

“Instead of wasting our time issuing baseless statements and responding to false information, we can discuss this and find common ground,” he said.

“I have been a member of the PDP Laban since 1982 and have invested my time, energy, resources, talent, sweat, tears and blood in the Party; hence, I cannot just turn my back on my responsibilities as party president…,” the senator added.

UNA: Koko out of PDP-Laban post

Written by 
Thursday, 30 August 2012 00:00
United Nationalist Alliance spokesman JV Bautista, in a televion show, announced that Sen. Koko Pimentel is now on leave as president of the Partido Laban Democratiko (PDP) as Bautista also announced the official line-up of the UNA senatorial bets, with two new additional candidates, naming former Sen. Richard Gordon and former Ambassador to the US Ernesto Maceda.
He also said that Sen. Loren Legarda will be in the UNA slate, but that the alliance will come up with a bigger announcement in time.
With Pimentel having joined the Aquino administration Liberal Party coalition slate as a guest candidate, Pimentel is now out of the PDP-Laban coalition and that Vice President Jejomar Binay, chairman of the PDP-Laban, is now taking charge of the party.
Pimentel, however, quickly announced that he had not taken a leave of absence from the PDP-Laban and remains as the party presiudent.
But Bautista said that party leaders had asked Pimentel to take a leave of absence since a conflict of interest has arisen from the senator’s decision to join the LP coalition.
“It was the party that had  asked Senator Pimentel to take a leave as president of the party… For the moment he is not the president of PDP-Laban,” Bautista said.
Pimentel was reported to have sent a text, saying: “I have not gone on leave from PDP-Laban as there is no reason for me to do so. There is no clamor for it as I enjoy the support of the party members especially the non-politician low-key members.”
Bautista was quoted as saying, countering the Pimentel claim: “You cannot tolerate a situation where one of the leaders of UNA and then a president of PDP-Laban for that matter would run in another political party that is the the foe of the UNA senatorial slate. It is potentially disruptive of the functioning of the party. It disturbs a lot of our local members,” he said.
Bautista stressed that given the nuances of Philippine politics, and with Pimentel running for an opposite party, taking a leave would be the best move.
It will be recalled that Pimentel decided to join the LP coalition candidate because he claimed that he could not stomach the thought of being on the same stage and slate with former Sen. Juan Miguel Zubiri whom he claimed cheated him.
But even as he moved over to the LP coalition, Pimentel apparently fails to see the anomlous situation he is now in, due to his decision to cut off from the UNA coaltion.
As far as UNA is concerned, he cannot still be president of PDP-Laban and attend to all the political activities surrounding the party, while being a candidate of the administration party.
Pimentel found his being in the same slate with Zubiri “anomalous” but does not seem to realize that he cannot have the presidency of PDP-Laban currently with his being a candidate in the administration slate.
Pimentel claims that his PDP followers have not called on him to go on leave, but Bautista said that it is the leaders of the PDP-Laban that made the decision for him to take a leave of absence.
It is evident that Pimentel would want PDP-Laban  to campaign and vote for him, but at the same time, there would be problems on the grassroorts level of the PDP-Laban as its chairman is also a leader in UNA, with whom the PDP-Laban  has  forged a coalition.
With the official entry of two more UNA bets, this places the number of bets at 9, including Senator Legarda.
The others are Sen. Gringo Honasan, Rep. Jack Enrile, Rep. JV Ejercito, Cebu Gov. Gwen Garcia,  Zubiri and businessman Joey de Venecia, Gordon and Maceda.
Bautista, in the same TV program said that “Loren Legarda has already signified, very clearly, her intention (to join UNA) because she told us that she has already obtained permission from Danding Cojuangco of the (Nationalist People’s Coalition) that she’s going to run in the UNA slate,” he said.


Coup against Pimentel in Binay's party?

Ayee Macaraig
Posted on 08/30/2012 8:48 PM  | Updated 08/30/2012 10:09 PM
MANILA, Philippines – Who is really in charge?
The question arises with contradicting statements coming from leaders of Vice President Jejomar Binay’s political party, the Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban).
This week, party leaders and members issued opposing statements on the status of Sen Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III as PDP-Laban president. Pimentel has announced that he is running with the rival administration slate for 2013 as guest candidate but wants to stay as head of PDP-Laban.
The PDP-Laban belongs to the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA), which is fielding a separate senatorial slate against the administration coalition in the 2013 elections.
Asked to clarify the issue, Binay spokesperson Joey Salgado said that the Vice President is now in charge of PDP-Laban.
Binay is chairman and one of the founders of the party, along with Pimentel’s father, former Senator Aquilino “Nene” Pimentel Jr.
“VP is aware of a previous commitment made by Senator Koko to go on leave. My understanding is that VP will take over his duties,” Salgado said in a text message to Rappler.
In an earlier statement to ABS-CBN News, PDP-Laban Secretary General Jose “Peping” Cojuangco Jr also said that Binay is taking over PDP-Laban but Pimentel will stay on as “nominal president.”
“We are thankful that [VP Binay] has accepted this arrangement since Koko cannot attend to the party’s commitment to UNA in the agreement with PMP which he himself signed,” Cojuangco said.
Cojuangco was referring to UNA, the coalition between PDP-Laban and former President Joseph Estrada’s Pwersa ng Masang Pilipino (PMP) for the 2013 polls. UNA calls itself the “constructive opposition” to the ruling Liberal Party.
Reacting to the announcement, Pimentel said he found it a solomonic decision for Binay to take over because the party already shifted into campaign mode. He reiterated that he is in charge simply of party matters, not campaign or coalition issues.
The conflict is rooted in Pimentel’s decision to bolt UNA in July over the inclusion of resigned Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri in its senatorial slate. PMP and later on UNA decided to accept Zubiri even if Pimentel accuses him of cheating in the 2007 polls.
The statements coming from Binay and Cojuangco as well as an earlier statement from UNA Spokesperson JV Bautista directly contradict the pronouncement of Pimentel that he has not and does not plan to take a leave of absence.
Bautista announced on Tuesday, August 28, that Pimentel already went on leave.
“I do not know where that came from because in the first place, nobody talked to me. I did not file for any leave. I did not mention any intention of going on leave,” Pimentel told Rappler on Wednesday, August 29.
Pimentel overpowered?
In the same interview, Pimentel had questioned Bautista’s standing to make a major announcement for the party. The senator said he has been a party member since 1982 and invested time, energy, resources and talent for the party.
“Was that his (Bautista) personal idea? Did that come from him or did somebody tell him to say those things? If somebody told him, it means there is a plan because it’s more than one person, there must be an agenda,” said Pimentel.
The statements of the Binay camp and Cojuangco, however, show that there is already an agreement in the leadership to exclude Pimentel from party affairs. Rumors of a coup against Pimentel circulated already last week.
It seems the senator is out of the loop. Pimentel said Bautista’s announcement that he supposedly had gone on leave caught him by surprise. He only found out from party members who asked him about it via text message.
In a separate interview with Rappler on Wednesday, Bautista said that it was PDP-Laban member and Manila City Councilor Bernie Ang who told Binay that Pimentel committed to going on leave.
Bautista said Ang relayed this during a meeting of party leaders at Binay’s office at the Coconut Palace on August 23. Pimentel was not present.
The UNA spokesperson said Ang supposedly got the commitment from Pimentel in a party meeting on August 20.
“So the Vice President said, ‘If he offered [to go on leave], we will accept it.’ He approved it. VP Binay said he will take charge of the affairs of PDP-Laban, including the duties of the president,” Bautista said.
‘Party in chaos’
Pimentel admitted that his decision to bolt UNA has caused confusion in his party.
Aaminin ko nagkakagulo nga kami sa party ngayon dahil sa sitwasyon na (I admit we’re having problems in the party because of the situation that) the party is officially in a coalition agreement and yet I cannot join the agreement because our coalition partner brought somebody into the coalition that in conscience I cannot run with.”
Pimentel said his solution was for him to inhibit himself from campaign matters but take charge of other affairs like membership and the formation of chapters.
Bautista, however, said that Pimentel’s solution is impractical and unacceptable to other party leaders.
“How can he remain as PDP-Laban president and run under a different political [alliance]? That’s totally untenable and disruptive, causing confusion,” said Bautista. –